Monday, May 25, 2009

Shoot with Tanya 4/27/09

Tanya ( her name has been changed to protect the innocent), came to me via the wonderful town of Westminster. She is of native american heritage and joy to work with. Shooting her with a combo of natural window light, tungsten light, as well as some Alienbees gave me all the results I needed to give her a good start on her portfolio. She has perfect proportion and great skin. 

This first shot used natural window light, a Canon 5D set at 1/80 at F2.2, 800 ISO and an EF 85mm 1.8 and a bit of levels in PS. .


 This next shot is fairly the same setup but in a different room in the house. ( I put my white backdrop paper to rest some time ago). I cant stress enough that everything you need for a great background is all around you, just be creative.

 Canon 5D, Ef 50mm 1.8, F2 @ 1/160 ISO 500


To be continued...

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